Just Watch the Earth Move

We used to stargaze on the beach every summer night when I was younger. Waves crashing calmly in the background.

Decades later, Hekate and I were on a dock, by a lake. We could hear the little creek on the other side, and Polaris was shining bright in the Northern Sky above us.

“Hey, Hekate, do you ever stare at a star for a long time and watch the Earth move?” I asked.

“Yeah… but stars are a bit tough to track, so I look at the Moon instead.”


And so we stood there, staring at the sky, feeling the Earth float and rotate in space amongst the rest of the universe.

We could feel our place, the literal time, space and matter that we take up in the universe.

A little grin appeared on my face.

“Damn, we really are nothing.” I thought to myself.

Was the fearful Moon starting to shine from beyond consciousness, or was I finding a hopeful and inspiring Star? 

The truth is, none of us have any idea what’s going on.

We’re all on this random rock floating across space, tiny beings going through the ephemeral joys and tragedies of life, frantically attempting to make sense of it all. 

Why are we here? I don’t know, but I do know that we’re all in this together. 

As Ram Dass said: “In the end, we’re all just walking each other home”.

That’s it.

Just take some time to watch the Earth move and you’ll feel it too.

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