Rigidity: The Executioner of Creativity

Something that held me back from starting this blog was the extreme emphasis on consistency in virtually every guide about blogging.

“The success of blogging is keyword research, search engine optimization and CONSISTENCY!”

I get it, it builds your topic authority and keeps readers engaged.

My problem is not with consistency per se; creativity does work a bit like a muscle, in the sense that every artist and creator needs some form of regularity in the practice of their craft to develop their style and get their work in front of curious eyes.

My problem is with the rigidity and pressure that surrounds this expectation of consistency.

For example, in my case, technical writing is such a major and consistent part of my day job that having additional pressures around writing a passion project in my free time is a sure way to give up. 

I want to write this blog for the sake of writing, documenting my esoteric journey and hopefully inspire someone along the way.

Creative writing is one of my passions, yet here I am, three months into this project, and I haven’t posted in almost three weeks.

Rigid consistency doesn’t fit with the demands of my current life situation or with the organic flow of my esoteric journey.

What’s going on?

If you go back to my previous post, you’ll notice an interesting timing: this creative lull is happening during Lent, a time of introspection amongst other things.

If I turn my attention inwards, I notice my mind wandering into some unfortunate directions; “Why did I even start this blog?”, “Why bother writing if I’m not consistent?”… 

Then, when I force myself to write because I “have to be consistent”, I end-up checking the boxes of a soulless blogging guide, disregarding the essence, the inspiration behind what and why I’m writing.

I end-up throwing my draft into the trash because it’s uninspired and uninspiring.


This attitude, considering my approach to this project as something I enjoy and do as a hobby, isn’t authentic or beneficial.

That’s when inspiration struck me; “let’s write about this”.

My Reminders

The great Aldous Huxley once wrote something that completely represents my true sentiment at the moment: 

“Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead.”

When I start feeling guilty about not publishing for a few weeks, or when I feel like I’m not fully present in my writing, I should remind myself that :

I write what I want when inspiration strikes.


I document my esoteric journey as frequently or as occasionally as it naturally unfolds.

This is not an invitation to laziness and procrastination, but a reminder that straying from the path is not a failure nor a permission to give up, but a simple reminder to get back on track.

Life happens, priorities change, so it is important to stay flexible in our respective journeys and adapt to these changes in a way that supports our long-term objectives.

Rigidity is for the dead. It is the executioner of creativity and the spouse of burnouts, so let’s focus on creative sustainability rather than obsess over a constricting routine.

A steady pace will come by seeking, surrendering to, and riding the waves of inspiration.

Safe journey.

P.S.: Besides, I’m always active in meaningful Reddit communities whether I post on here or not, so there’s that!


Huxley, A. (1937) Do what you will: Twelve essays. The Thinker’s Library No 56, Watts & Co. Limited, London, G-B.

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